Introduction to PCB Design for Manufacturability (Micromodules)
Introduction to PCB Design I
Introduction to PCB Design II
PCB Design for Manufacturability
PCB Design
IPC Certified Interconnect Designer - Basic (CID)
On-the-job training
Create electrical schematics
Draft schematic drawings of circuit functions and interconnections showing circuit flow and behavior, wiring diagrams, and wiring connection specifications.
Create documentation packages and produce drawing sets to be checked by an engineer.
Use computer-aided design tools or conventional drafting stations, technical handbooks, tables, calculators, or traditional drafting tools, such as boards, pencils, protractors, or T-squares.
Create fabrication drawings for bare printed circuit boards
Draft detail and fabrication drawings of design routing mask definition and plating, and other printed circuit board fabrication requirements, using computer- assisted design tools or standard drafting techniques and devices.
Define materials to be used in the PCB fabrication.
Evaluate designs or specifications to ensure quality
Review completed drawings and for accuracy and conformity to standards, requirements, and regulations.
Confer with technical personnel to prepare designs or operational plans
Consult with engineers to discuss or interpret design concepts, or determine requirements of detailed designs.
Review customer specifications and consult with stake holders to determine Schematic, Printed Circuit Board, Assembly, and Wiring requirements.
Confer with other personnel to resolve design or operational problems
Confer with engineering staff and other personnel to resolve problems.
Review work orders or procedural manuals and confer with vendors or design staff to resolve problems or modify design.
Collect data about project sites
Measure factors that affect progress on design completion.
Visit vendors to ensure design meets requirements and standards as defined on the master drawings.
Operate computer systems
Locate files relating to specified design project in database library, load program into computer, and record completed job data.
Key and program specified commands and engineering specifications into computer system to change functions and test final layout.
Verify mathematical calculations
Compare element configuration on display screen with engineering schematics and calculate figures to convert, redesign, or modify design.
Generate manufacturing data packages
Generate computer computer-aided manufacturing files of final layout design to produce layered data to be used to produce the printed circuit boards and assemblies.
Explain engineering drawings, specifications, or other technical information.
Explain drawings to production or other stake holders and provide adjustments, as necessary.
Prepare technical reports for internal use
Write technical reports and draw charts that display statistics and data.
Train personnel on proper operational procedures
Train students to use Computer-Aided Design tools and to prepare schematic diagrams, PCB fabrication drawings, PCB assembly drawings, block diagrams, control drawings, logic diagrams, integrated circuit drawings, or interconnection diagrams.
Estimate technical or resource requirements for development or production projects
Prepare and interpret specifications, time, cost, complexity, and other risk factors.
Create electrical schematics
Draft schematic drawings of circuit functions and interconnections showing circuit flow and behavior, wiring diagrams, and wiring connection specifications.
Create documentation packages and produce drawing sets to be checked by an engineer.
Use computer-aided design tools or conventional drafting stations, technical handbooks, tables, calculators, or traditional drafting tools, such as boards, pencils, protractors, or T-squares.
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